Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Season 1, Episode 4: Interview with Adam N. Williams, Financial Genius And Modern Day Abolitionist

Season 1, Episode 4:  

Interview with Adam N. Williams (Human Entrepreneur, Derivatives Trader, Reality Hacker, and Modern-Day Slavery Abolitionist)  

Adam is my friend and mentor, and I owe him a LOT. He is a graduate of Rice University, created an amazing Wall Street career trading equity derivatives and convertible securities at Merrill Lynch and Jefferies & Co. and is now an international entrepreneur with all kind of irons in all kinds of fires, ranging from personal development to digital currency to next-gen relationship marketing. While I have no idea what made him notice me, I enjoy being under his wing. He's a hell of a guy to have at the breakfast table. Oh, and he's married to a model. (I know the coolest people, I swear!)

So Adam, let's pretend you and I have never met. Who are you at home and what do you do?
Where in the world are you this week?

At home I am an explorer, student, and creator.

What do I do?

I am an human entrepreneur, which means that I work with and empower leaders.

And, I am in Manhattan

How did you become an abolitionist? You already know my story, but I have no idea how you ended up fighting the good fight.

I think I became an abolitionist as soon as I began to understand the slavery system that we still have in place. I came to understand that after I did personal development. My definition of personal development is the deliberate raising of human consciousness. And I started to want to give back to the world when I worked on spiritual practice. My definition of spiritual practice is service to others.

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by the people who think for themselves, and my wife!

What is the life of an international entrepreneur like?

It's really fun to connect with people from all over the world and collaborate. I have three projects that I've spent time on in the last several months, one of which is taking up most of my time right now. And it is amazing to be able to work with people from around the world in a virtual way. I do look forward to travelling again substantially, which is scheduled for next year. I have been in 30 countries so far.

How did you become the Chief Global Ambassador for Ribbit.me!?

I worked on Wall Street for fifteen years and after the financial crisis my world changed. I started looking into network marketing and affiliate marketing and relationship marketing, and what I like to call human entrepreneurship which encapsulates all of those. So I really became a student of human empowerment based business and became very vocal about the 'new' economy: entrepreneurship. I have been friends with one of the creators of RibbitRewards for over two years; we used to write on a blog together called Knomadic Life, and they thought that I was the perfect person to launch the Global Ambassador program. We just shot the 'opportunity' video in New York City this weekend, which was a lot of fun, and it should be edited in the next few weeks.

Are you still doing network marketing?

Yes, however right now my wife is more focused on it because all my spare time is devoted to Ribbit.me! until we launch! We're giving away two hundred million RibbitRewards and the first air drop is scheduled for November 1st. The relationship marketing company we are involved in is called Seacret, which has the best products for healthy skin as well as complete integrity from the management. I use the products every day.

What exactly does Ribbit.me! do and can you tell me more about what it means for the global economic shift?

Bitcoin is most well known application on the Blockchain. RibbitRewards are a next evolution. The engineering is different and unlike Bitcoin, which forces people to change their behaviour, RibbitRewards are going to explode on the scene and appeal to everyone.

What do you enjoy the most about what you do?

I want people to be free and have control over their own lives. And I love being involved in projects that enable and promote compassion.

What would you advise someone new to the world of entrepreneurship and investment?

Invest in themselves. That's the most important investment, to do some personal development, whether you take a course like the Avatar Course or read books or any activities to become more expansive. This will bring better opportunities into your space. The best investment is in personal development.

How do you deal with the stress that comes from the life of an entrepreneur?

It really takes a long term focus on the goal, because its not easy. Especially if, like most people, you have to hold a full time job while building your passion part time. So, it takes delayed gratification, commitment, and creativity.

Tell me about the Avatar Course.

The Avatar Course is the most powerful personal development course that I am aware of. It is a course in consciousness, compassion and beliefs, where you learn how to overcome indoctrination. It's so fun, pure creative study.

Where do you see the future of investment and commercial trade going?

I think globalization and technological unemployment, as well as currency and trade conflicts, are going to be huge over the next five to ten years. I think that central banking has really distorted markets and asset values so it's difficult to forecast. What I do know is that major paradigms are going to shift, and soon.

Can you explain the empathetic economic model for me?

I think that in a contradictory sense, the empathetic economic model still starts with self. But when we adhere to both the Non-Aggression and Self-Defense principles in Natural Law, we see that initiating violence against each other is wrong. So it's about a higher level of consciousness, a spiritual consciousness. It's about cooperation, collaboration, and co-creation. It's more sustainable, fair, and certainly less corrupt than our current system.

Copyright Rene Millward 2014

Friday, 26 September 2014

My Story - A refutation to "luck"

I never expected to write this, but I think it's past time. I'm tired of being told that I am "lucky", and it might inspire someone who has lost hope.

I come from a family that has involvement with both politics and the military. I have always been the cog that refused to turn at the same rate as anyone else, and in fact, have apparently been running around as an undiagnosed autistic savant. I am almost entirely "selectively" mute - which isn't at all selective; it means that I will only communicate with a very tiny circle of "safe people", and spend most of my days trying to design an enormous mega engineering structure that would encompass housing, entertainment, work, and food. I read several languages and am well educated, but have always been emotionally vulnerable.

And since 2000, I have been under government surveillance - including a yearly security review - because of family connections.

For ten years I was married to a mental programmer and mad inventor/artist. It was an abusive marriage to begin with, and I almost left about five years in. Then he had a freak electrocution to the brain, wiping out all higher brain function and emotional capability. So I stayed because I thought there was nothing lower than a person who turned their back on someone in need. And, I confess, I had no idea that he'd turn into a complete monster.

Because he refused to let me out of his sight, I was more or less imprisoned. I could not do anything without being constantly observed. For a very long time I existed on almost no food, and for two years, without heat or running water. He used his training to try and turn me into a weapon using black ops psychology. My escapes were my garden, inventing, my library, martial arts, and street nursing. There was a time when all I had to eat in the space of three days was jello powder, raw.

Eventually I developed mass organ failure and acute fibromyalgia type symptoms, and began to develop seizures. I was investigated continually by doctors and even put on a transplant list for a new liver and kidneys, but my home situation went unnoticed. How, I have no idea, particularly given my unique situation as Big Brother's Little Sister.

My so-called selective mutism made asking for help impossible, even if I was not terrified for my life and other people's safety.

The day after he left me nearly paralyzed on my basement steps, I found the strength to throw him out. It was a brutal and exhausting war campaign in order to be free of him, but I decided if I must die, I would die on my terms. Six months later I moved home to recover. I barely knew my name anymore, but I was constantly reliving the experience. I am forever grateful for my parents' patience.

Because of wonderful, supportive friends, mentors, and business associates I have found online, I am now free of my mental prison for the most part. My fibromyalgia symptoms have more or less vanished, and the organ failure has reversed.

My therapists are my dog, cat, plants and poetry, and my best friend.

I can walk without a cane, and briefly dance or do martial arts, though I get exhausted quickly. I have become an advocate and a human rights champion online, and recently applied to work at an organization that fights human trafficking. My mind is much more clear, and I am teaching myself to overcome learned helplessness. After being utterly disappointed by a system which seems stacked against me, I have acquired a consultancy regarding PTSD and entrepreneurship, and have become something of an expert on human trafficking and slavery prevention, justice, and aftercare, and hope to find a way to put these skills to use to help other vulnerable people.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Season 1. Episode 3. Interview With Brian Carlson, Founder of the Drive for Freedom Foundation

Interview with Brian Carlson, Founder of the Drive For Freedom Foundation
(I grew up with him by the way)

First of all, Brian, tell me a bit about yourself and what irons you have in the fire?

I am now 43 years old. I am married to Jennifer Ann and have two children with her. David age 7 and Anna age 5. We make our home in Green Bay Wisconsin. My wife and I have a private in home care giver business. We have an invention in the market place. I also like to write children's books. I have authored two books now. I write more the satisfaction of hearing a few folks say they enjoyed it for their own personal reasons, than trying to accomplish any significant financial success. Every day we live in peace and try to be positive for those around us. I am for the most part happy.

Where did you get the inspiration for the Drive For Freedom Foundation?

The Inspiration for the DFF dates as far back as my third year in trucking. I had actually thought about it then. There have been so many people complain their whole lives rather than just try and implement solutions and follow it with action in order to effect change that I wanted to stop the cycle and prove that if one applies oneself to an idea and pursues the aspiration with vigor you can get results. Love of truckers and the open road also inspired the DFF. It was also inspired by the belief that if I worked hard, I could silence the crowd. So many say it won't be different. I say they are wrong. It is different already.

What is the mandate for the DFF, and the goals? How have you been able to accomplish fulfilling them?

The mandate of the DFF is to ultimately boost morale to a level that has never been experienced. You lift spirits; it brings out the best in people. To watch drivers try to become a better more productive version of themselves. The main goal is to save people from dying, reduce insurance costs, by reducing deaths, bridge the gap between driver, public, company to save money and see drivers achieve longevity at a company to experience a decent retirement. A multitude of other goals are mixed in to the over-all mission. One driver at a time we are achieving this as you have seen. Many want the same things; it’s just finding the right people.

Does it bring anything to your family that you’d like to share?

Yes it has been somewhat stressful, in that trying to grow an organization--grass roots movement from the ground up, it has absorbed a great deal of my time. But Jenny understands. However, it is also instilling respect towards truckers, my children see their father and mother living generously and serving people, which in turn will help them build character, and we are seeing the results in both Dave and Anna, they are extremely well mannered and helpful. We have cohesion; therefore the Foundation will have it. It starts with us. If we break down, so will our goals for the drivers.

Tell me about the DFF and it’s day to day operations. How does it differ from say, a union or a corporation?

Day to day is very much the same. Follow up with drivers, help write letters, make many phone calls, continue to launch fresh ideas and trying to increase membership by having the drivers reach out when possible. Encourage drivers when they get down. Just care and be there. It can all be very stressful. Many times I go to bed with 5 driver’s problems as well as my own.

Unions are not cohesion. Unions are about 1 thing, how much can we get now. Worry about the fallout later. It has destroyed families and cities among many other things. 
Corporations are about bottom line. The DFF has financial goals however, one must show the value of human beings first, then get them agreeing in principal. Then accomplish the monetary goals. It’s a longer process, but longer lasting positive results.

Has the response from the public been positive?

Yes the public that knows of us are embracing the DFF and its growing.

Are the drivers seeing positive changes in their lives through their association with the DFF?

Yes I believe so. You would have to ask them first. I always say. I am not here to convince you it’s working. Ask the drivers if it’s working? They are my best proof that what I have built is serving its purpose. Maybe ask about 10 drivers what they think. It’s not my job to convince you. It’s the driver’s job to convince you.
Where would you like to see the DFF in a year? Five years? Ten? Where would you like to see yourself in five years?

The DFF and I are one on the same. As long as I stay inspired the dream will continue to materialize. We would like to reach at least 5000 plus members by the 5 year period. Once we achieve this? It will grow exponentially. 

Do you receive support (morally, legally, etc) from the public and private sectors? How would you like to interface with the public better?

We do receive financial support from many different sources it’s just not a great deal as of yet. 
What we need to do is allow the DFF and its mission to speak for itself. 
Once we get the Media’s Attention. This is not our main goal. We wish to have the drivers efforts speak for themselves, Actions speak much louder than words always. If we never get media attention, we will still do our job. We accomplish our goals the results will shine brighter than any news coverage we could get from any reporter, which neither has the neither time nor inclination to even remotely understand the daily struggles of an American or Canadian trucker. The rest is history. The whole Philosophy of the DFF goes completely against the grain of society and the world as we know it. People first, hard work, lift others above our self. Humility, Integrity, dignity and decorum. Be the best at what we do. Earn respect and then receive it. That hammers swings in both directions. With every human being without pause. Or at least it should. We do all this the money will take care of itself.

Is there anything else you would like the public to know that I haven’t thought of to ask?

What we would like to share with the public. Is that the DFF was designed in part to save the American tax payers Billions of dollars. We also would ask them to work with us, ‘Over the Road’ instead of viewing us as a nuisance. Both sides have issues to work on. Saving lives is an American obligation.
Live the Creed, win the hearts of the masses, bring back the brotherhood of trucking and return the name Knights of the highway once again. It can be done. It is being done, one driver at a time. Founder & Chairman, Brian Carlson


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Season 1: Episode 2 Interview with Jamie Redman

My interview with Jamie Redman, contributor of the site The Art of Not Being Governed and known anarchist-freethinker.

Jamie, how did you end up being so interested in cryptocurrencies?

I got interested in crypto currency a few years ago when I discovered Bitcoin. I knew it was a tool to use against the state. I didn't know it was a Swiss Army knife of tools until a year later. You run the site The Importance of Not Being Governed, right? Tell me about that. What inspired you to create it, and do you see a positive impact on the general public from your work there?

I help run the Art of Not Being Governed. Which is a FB page, G+ page, a reddit page and an online blog. Including 10 associated sister pages. I did not create the site. My very good buddy did. I am a co-creator and provide graphical assets to the team and sometimes I write. I also put forth more effort in the sister sites. Yes I think it's a positive influence. The AONBG page alone has a 24,000 reach.
How would you describe your political/monetary POV? 

My political theory is autonomy. My choice of monetary use is whatever the autonomous individual desires to exchange. 
Which form of economic strategy do you believe is the most likely to create a safe and balanced system without also creating excessive government oversite?

The system I believe that will provide is the system of every individual represented on the globe. Meaning we all represent ourselves. I think technology can help provide this as well as people trying to avoid indoctrination of other ideas presented to them through coercion. What advice would you give to someone who is interested in digital currency but has no idea where to begin?

I would tell them to open a wallet and get whatever they can afford whenever they can afford. You can purchase as little as 1$ and play with it and learn from it. Then I would recommend just reading about money and crypto in general.
What sort of geopolitical future do you see for the United States? Do you believe it will continue to exist as a nation, become part of the North American Union, or dissolve entirely under a global government? Which outcome would you like to see most?
I have no idea how long the US will last or what the outcome will be. I know it won't be pretty.

What do you think is the number one reason why the average person is uninterested in the finance world and stock market?
Because it's fraudulent and monopolized. There no position for the "average joe". 
What is your view on the current state of education?
The current state of education is indoctrination and learning to live with debt. That debt is acceptable as long as your a good citizen. 
Anything I’ve left out which you’d like to say?

The answers lie in the generations below us. We have to show them the way so they emulate our practices. Spontaneous order is the only way.

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Jungian Theory of Personality

According to the Jungian theory of personality in psychoanalysis, an individual's inner world is comprised of three parts - the id, the ego, and the superego. You often hear of people saying things like "ego burn!" or people "that's just your ego talking", but this doesn't exactly show a clear understanding of what ego truly is.

In the Jungian theory, the id is the spirit of an individual's personality, and is as close to it's basic form in infancy as one can get - which means it lacks self control, is prone to being selfish, demanding, etc. The ego exists in order to both contain the id and protect it, and essentially translates the individuals' environment and the expectations and relationship models which exist in their world view for the id. The superego represents both internal self expectation and the expectations of the community of the individual for the id.

Every person, male or female, has an inner voice, which speaks for the collective experience of the individual's experience with the opposite gender. Women have what is known as the "animus" - the root of the word animosity, interestingly enough - and men have what is called the "anima". Basically, these voices represent the voices of the people of the opposite gender who had a powerful influence on the individual. If, for example, a child is raised in a nurturing environment where they are told by their community that they are loved, respected, capable, etc, that is what they will become. If they are told by their community that they are stupid, irresponsible, useless, etc., that is what they will become. (This damage to the psyche can be mitigated through psychotherapy and self development, but it takes a great deal of work).

Post traumatic stress disorder is defined as anxiety, reccurring nightmares, increased startle reflexes, "reliving the experience", mood swings, hyperarousal, and other psychological phenomena arising after a situation in which an individual either personally experienced or observed a traumatic, life-threatening event. These phenomena create social phobias, depression, etc., which interfere with relationships, social interaction, and impair the ability for the person to function properly in society.

One of the basic survival mechanisms of the ego-id interaction is that after a deep psychological damage to the spirit, the person withdraws into themselves, similar to the way that a wounded animal behaves. In the military, PTSD can be mitigated through the battle buddy relationship which is encouraged there; in the civilian population however, PTSD is often incurred THROUGH interpersonal relationships, which makes it much more difficult for the person to relate to others, as the psyche believes on a very deep level, that other people only want to hurt the id, and reacts to attempts by others to relate to them in much the same way that a porcupine responds to being surprised by a dog. Further injury to the ego - such as the aforementioned "ego burn!" comments - further increases the likelihood that the individual will retreat into themselves.

So. What to do about it?

First of all, we must recognize that people often define themselves through "I" statements, and the "I" represents the id-ego interaction. Those include things like accomplishments, dreams, hopes, fears, and acquisitions. Therefore, when we as a society denounce someone or devalue these things, we are essentially committing psychological cannibalism.

Secondly, a damaged ego-id-superego requires space to heal. Healing can in fact, be compared to body building or training for a long distance marathon - the individual must go through the process of stretching their psychological muscles in order to try to bridge the distance between themselves and others - and must also retreat from people in order for those muscles to repair and heal so they can become stronger. Forcing this process is a bad idea in much the same way as training for a marathon without a proper diet and sleep is a bad idea for muscle development.

If you have someone in your life who is overcoming PTSD, I suggest the "wounded bear" model. Go about your daily life as per normal, but do not overtax or stress them with your presence. Try to understand that they are undergoing psychological changes similar to those undergone by an infant adjusting to their environment. Show them that you are thinking of them, and reach out to them; whether or not they are able to go places or whatever is up to them and their personal development, but understand that whether they accept or not, they will appreciate the fact that you are thinking of them. Understand that they are placing themselves under more pressure internally than they are allowing you to see.

Do not question their sanity, or try to intervene medically unless you are seriously concerned that they are a hazard to themselves or others. Do not make light of their feelings or laugh at their dreams. And understand that when they pull away, they are not rejecting you, but rather wrestling with themselves.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Season 1, Episode 1: Interview With Alex Freeman

Interview With Alex Freeman, Author And Advocate

Alex Freeman is an Internet advocate who speaks out against the militarization of the police, against warrant-less surveillance, and against the corporacracy, and is a writer. He was kind enough to share some of his thoughts on the world with me, and with you.


Alex, why do you claim to be a Public Relations guy?

Rene, when did we all become such ravenous consumers? When the marketing and public relations guys told us to be. Sell, buy, consume, replace obsolete unit with newest model. It became a one dimensional model. Public Relations and Marketing can change that paradigm. We can build relationships, increase awareness, and enrich lives. We can create it all and we can do it together. I just write about it and facilitate the relationship building.


What is your relationship to the movement known as Anonymous, Alex?

Well, I associate with Anonymous, but don't claim to be anonymous. I am too far in front and too recognizable to be. Not sure why. I'm a peon. I don't hack. Biggest open secret....I'm damned near computer illiterate. but I do plan on unfucking the world. Hack the planet, you know? And I happen to like a lot of the anonymous associates I've come across. But the same is true of occupy overpasses, and many other "groups." I'm not a groupie. I'm just me.


Alex, would you call yourself a militant or anti-government? We both know that according to the PTB and the mainstream media, you are considered a terrorist - what a joke, right?

I would definitely consider myself an anarchist, but I do know that some system will always arise. Terror is a psychological state. And I see no just cause for a state.

My anarchism stems from the linguistics. States of minds or frames of mind box and limit perception and interpretation. Such as an actual government.

A free society requires fully freed and enlightened minds.

We are capable of that.


How has activism effected you  personally in this political climate, Alex?

Well, Rene, like many other activists, tensions have arisen with my family. They see social media as a play space. To me, it's work. it's a communication and news sharing tool. no, i don't get paid for it. and that's the problem they see.  Take my current employment. It's a phone sales job,  advertising for a trade magazine with less of a circulation than Anonymous Shocking Current Events. The publisher tracks EVERYTHING. Keycode in and out. Write ups if you're a minute late getting back from lunch. Net nannies, recorded phone logs, times and voice. Cameras everywhere. And for what?


If you got paid, would it change who Alex is or what you do?

No. I hate money. I really truly do. This society is and has been addicted to it for milleniae.
The pursuit of money kept me asleep for many years.


How long have you been an activist?

I started in the 90s when Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore hung his 10 commandments in his courtroom. I'm a fan of the 1st amendment.

I know you're a writer and activist. What else should I know about you?

Poetry for me is a writing exercise. I have a novel or two rattling around in my head. That's what I really want to finish. And I'd like to see them finished on the big screen.

I do journalism and web copy-writing just because I can.  I have BAs in political science and psychology and a masters in political theory. I've concentrated in constitutional law, political theory, comparative politics, cognitive psych and social psychology.  

Did you find it worthwhile to take those courses?

Personally, yes. Professionally, no. I'm underemployed.

I would, personally call you an 'underutilized resource,' Alex. 

It's a tomato thing.


Some quick questions for you off the top of my head Alex - would you prefer to see a living wage for everyone or minimum wage hikes?
And what kind of future do you see for the presidency?

Living wage for everyone. Right to life, liberty and pursuit of happyness, right? There are sufficient resources to support it.  Or, the abolition of money altogether.  Presidency for which country?

Presidency for which country?
USA.  Unless you have another idea for governance?
Do you think we will be looking at a separate America, or a North American Union?
And would you support a one world system if we had say in it as opposed to one set up by the elite?

It already is a one world system. Even the middle east and Russia are a part of it. Oceana, Eurasia and east-Asia exist as one. But that's economics more than politics. Borders are cages for the people.
The US pres is a puppet. A pr spokesman. Money is the driver. Burger King seems to think that there will be 3 separate states. But moves are in motion to combine them.


Do you support the use of violence to end the state or do you promote peaceful means of resolution?

If necessary. I don't think at this point that peace will work. They aren't going to say...oops...you're right. Our bad.

What about a financial revolution?

Burn it all. Currency is a means to do work. Its energy. There are alternative forms of energy.


Thanks so much for your agreeing to be inteviewed, Alex. It's been a real pleasure, and I hope that people can learn from reading about you that the mainstream media representation of an activist is entirely wrong.